Welcome to our world...
by Vanessa
Hello All... Vanessa here!
This week's look at a few more Jammers. Shall we start our tour with:
Our resident passionate Madsman,
one of just a few Chris's on the
channel! Guaranteed that any comment or query regarding an instrument
of the 6-7 string electrical variety is sure to spark a very informative
discussion on hair and posing! I hear he may be leaving the guitar for
the bass though. He generally spends his days ranting, shouting,
bullying, and shoving his opinion down everyone's throat! ;)
Of course there is our very own Elf Princess,
Deedlit. She is currently
taking tech support calls at any hour of the day for Macromedia Director
and Javascript, as well as assisting those poor souls who have the
uncontrollable urge to shout out "OH OH PETRUCCI PETRUCCI" at odd
One of our resident master slackers,
Eckie (yet another Chris) has this
fond fetish for taking nice sweet pictures of OFB and distorting our
view of reality. He is also one 3 men alive to actually engage John
Myung in 2 way conversation. Of course Mr. Myung is taking measures to
reduce this number back to zero! Eckie watch your back....he may be
disguised as Protoss!
Recently missing in action is our
own beloved King of Flames, GaZ.
although sometimes a bit reserved, this Aussie has a wonderful way of
zinging in from left field with his very dry, yet hysterically funny one
liners! Recently we have not seen much of our beloved friend down
under, I wonder if the Australian Navy has asked him to set sail to
bring back one of our Boston Jammers to the land down under.
And now for some fact or fiction....you decide!
Seems that one particular northern
Jammer has decided that a fan club
needs to be started for our very own Tempus. Tempus who recently went
on a major chocolate high and proceeded to tell everyone in the channel
that evening, that not only did he LOVE them, but just how he wanted to
love them!
And who can forget that poor male
jammer who made the mistake of picking
on one of our very own Lady Jammers. His poor chapeau was stomped on
with metal bats and Doc Martens
I think he got a bit too randy and had to be put in his place by some
very saucy Lady Jammers.
There is also one of our
beloved Jammers who has become a traveling
man. He's been crisscrossing the country to visit Jammers, attend
concerts, party with friends and model shorts! Is there no limit to
this Jammer's frequent flyer miles? Or did he get rich on stock
Where as most men compare their
height, among the Lady Jammers, there
seems to be somewhat of a reverse competition to see who is the
shortest. Several of these ladies seem to have resorted to platform
shoes and yet they still come up short next to the guys. What is this a
channel full of basketball players and gymnasts?
And what about that jammer who was
calling his beverages by their proper
names??? I think that is carrying manners a bit too far! Mr. Rum and
Mr. Coke????? Are they new additions that Itchy needs to add to the
#ytsejam page?
And finally, what about the rumors
going around of a certain bearded
Jammer cross-dressing for DT shows? He does do justice though, to a
pair of fishnet stockings and CFM pumps! Blonde is definitely his
That's all for now.....next week we may take a look
at the Matts on the channel, and heaven forbid, don't get me started on the Jeremys.
~poor Vanessa
#Ytsejam Rumors...
by Moorglade
My sources tell me that Syrinx found the mythical "Godot" Dream Theater
DVD, and left it on the dash of his car on a hot day! He was heard
mumbling after said incident "Hey. Asshole. I left. To get ego control
pills." He was also threatening to flatten laughing passers-by like a
pancake. Boyyyyyyyeeee.

Syrinx's melted Godot DVD
From what I've heard, Coldfire recently lost her
virginity to SymphonyX (isn't a regular ircer, check the #ytsejam page),
despite his only being 13 years old and and two oceans away. She was heard
screaming the following phrase in mid-climax: "Someone give me a shot of tequila!"
Perhaps the most bizzare piece of information I've been given this past
week is that in the middle of Tempus' love rampage, Itchy offered to
undergo sex change operations so that they can legally be married in
Honolulu, Hawaii. Tempus was overheard saying "I love Itchy! I love
Hawaii!" while dancing with a potato on his head.
Send all juicy inside information
to ytsemirror@dreamt.org
with a subject of "Lies".