Now this hasta be one of the best ideas a jammer EVER came up with!!! This
page kicks some serious ass, and I'm already in love!
Thanks Eric!   :o)
Fortunately, the initial response is positive... though I don't intend to only
post the good comments, I'll put any negative remarks here as well.
This page is also intended for response to any of the editorials, or perhaps you
have a comment for the enchanting C.C. SoulShaker, our lovely Vanessa, or
the mysterious Moorglade... so fire away.
~Lisa Marie, Editor
I just might toss everything else on the Net aside and read The #Ytse
Mirror for the rest of my days. Such a brilliant idea, I kiss the feet
of the person who came up with it. I haven't been able to chat on
#ytsejam for nearly a year, and I *really* miss all the action. Now I'll
be able to keep up with everything my old friends are up to. The Mirror
is very good for my #ytse withdrawals. Thank you again.
Glad you're enjoying it! The feet you are kissing belong to the brilliant Pam Doise,
(a.k.a. Kerowyn). She had this idea months ago, but it never really came to light... then
suddenly I got a bug up my butt one day (don't ask what kind of bug), and decided that I
wasn't spending nearly enough time on the computer (go figure!)... after some brainstorming
and consultation with Mark Bredius (a.k.a. Itchy), this is the result!
I certainly couldn't do this all by myself, so the more input I get from all you #ytsejammers,
the better The #Ytse Mirror will be.   :o)
~Lisa Marie, Editor
This is a great site! I really love it all. Keep up the good work.
I really like what you (and Pam?) did with the Ytse Mirror. The overall look
is very clean and the information is entertaining. Well, keeping it short -
just wanted to let you know that your work is appreciated.
Thanks! We'll keep it up as long as I keep getting contributions from all you wonderful
jammers! (hint hint hint)   :o)
~Lisa Marie, Editor
Hey Lisa,
I wanted to take a moment to say a few things. First of all
congratulations on a wonderful site. We have needed something like this
and it is a welcome and well done addition. I only wish I had the time
to contribute.
Secondly, I want to take a moment to complain about Vanessa. I have no
idea what it was that I did to offend her but I want to know why I was
singled out. I really liked her column because she didn't really say
anything mean about anyone, that is until she decided to say some really
mean things about me. That was uncalled for and if I ever find her or
him I have a few things to get off my chest.
Anyway, Keep up the other fine work!
Well Carol (hi!), I have to agree with you on this one. Vanessa *was* kind of rough on you...
after all, this is supposed to be all in good fun, and I think she crossed that line a bit.
I've forwarded your letter to Vanessa, so you'll probably be getting a response from her soon.
I'm certainly not about to start censoring any of my columnists, but hopefully Vanessa will take
what you said into consideration, and maybe think a bit more before she submits another article
like that one. As for getting a few things off of your chest... go for it my friend, this is
an open forum, and Vanessa has certainly set herself up for a bit of backlash!
~Lisa Marie, Editor
Send your comments to
with a subject of "feedback".