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by Vanessa L I E S by Moorglade

Welcome to our world...
by Vanessa

      Hi, Ytse's Vanessa here and I am laughing in amusement. It appears that some of you seem to think that I resemble a certain bimbo Jammer. So let's start our walk throught the Hall of shame with her shall we?

      Who IS this dumb Coldfire bimbo? Channel Mommy I think not, more like Channel idiot. She has this mistaken idea that the people there LIKE her and that some guy in New Zealand is in love with her. Coldfire wake up and get a clue babe. They laugh at you not with you. Can we start a fund to buy her a clue and a life as she appears to be on IRC more than the bots.

      How about Sarah? It seems we just can't keep her from posting to the Jam. Every other post seems to be hers. She is not the quiet one that Slacker tells us she is. How does she do it all? Work, School, concerts her boyfriend and being on the channel all the time? If you find the answer to that please tell me.

      How about that Vinnie? He has to be one of the more Obscure people who frequent the channel. He is another member of the Arizona Jammer contingent that includes that wild man Eckie that are just crazy about Peavey products. But, if I have to see one more post of his with that Peace, Love and Good Happiness stuff I may puke.

      Let's talk about what has been overheard on the channel lately.

      What the heck is this Ytseradio thing? As if some Jammers are not on their computers enough as it is, we have this Real Audio Radio Station run by Jammers for Jammers. Acutally this is a great idea and props go out to DblAgent, Coleridge, Tempus, M-Bone and Dr. Mosh for getting this wonderful idea off the ground.

      I hear that one Jammer is not too pleased about another Jammer's sense of humor on Ytesradio. I guess he is not a fan of Hitler jokes especially when his picture somewhat resembles the man.

      It appears that we have more and more members of bands showing up in the channel lately, but can we please ask them not to show up drunk? One night a member of some cheesy band decided to make an appearance blitzed to the gills. My my, wasn't that fun trying to decipher what he said.

      And we had yet another female Jammer show up tanked as well. Heaven and the men of the channel look out when she shows up like this. Word of warning, if you drink, DON'T IRC. You may say something that will get quoted and you will regret.

      And finally I must take a moment to congratulate Mark "Itchy" Bredius on a job well done. After lot's of hard effort and thorough attention to detail, Dream Theater has decided to make his site "Under a Cyber Moon" the new Official Dream Theater site. Way to go Mark.

       That's all for now Ytse's. I'll be back in 2 and 2 with more Lies!

~an amused Vanessa

#Ytsejam Rumors...
by Moorglade

      Rumor has it that Editor Jessie is so pissed off at Moorglade for having missed the deadline yet AGAIN, that she has run him over repeatedly with her new car, leaving him as nothing more than a quivering mass of some gelatin-like substance.

Moorglade's last known words are rumored to be... "Hey, at least I never promised to maintain the FAQ!"


Send all juicy inside information
with a subject of "Lies".

Pam Doise -
Mark Bredius -
Lisa Marie -