Under A Cyber Moon The #Ytse Mirror The #ytsejam Quotebot Page
edition Serving Jammers Since 1998 date

Advertise your webpage on The #Ytse Mirror

      If you'd like to advertise your webpage on The #Ytse Mirror, the "cost" is simply a link exchange. We will permanently archive your link on an "ads" page, and occasionally feature your ad on one of the article pages. If you submit a graphic banner for the ads page, please make the dimensions 350x50. You may submit a larger graphic for when your ad is "featured" if you so desire... this additional graphic does not have to be banner shaped. Please use one of these graphics to link to The #Ytse Mirror. Send your ad submissions to ytsemirror@dreamt.org with a subject of "advertising".

      There is a "classifieds" section, where you can advertise equipment or cds that you have for sale or trade. If you have something you'd like listed, please send all pertinent information to ytsemirror@dreamt.org with a subject of "Classifieds", and be sure to include contact information.

      Vote for the #YtseAsshole Of The Month by sending your nominations to ytsemirror@dreamt.org with a subject of "YtseAsshole". I've decided to change this to monthly so there would be more time to collect nominations... otherwise Spine would win all the time ;o) Once again, I'd like to make it clear that this is not meant to hurt feelings, but should be taken tongue-in-cheek. If this gets out of hand, or if I get a lot of complaints about it, we will most likely discontinue this little feature.

      Future issues will feature show reviews, and editorials written by you... as soon as somebody sends me some (hint hint hint). If you'd like to make a contribution to The #Ytse Mirror, please email the editor at ytsemirror@dreamt.org.

~Lisa Marie, Editor

#Ytsejam Spotlight

This issue's spotlight is on the lovely Melissa...

Melissa Drennen

Name: Melissa Drennen
Age: 29 (12/20/68)
Height: 5'2"
Hair/Eyes: Brown and Brown.
[ok this is getting too much like a pictorial in Playboy]
Location: Dayton, Ohio
IRC nick: Melissa (ooh original huh)
Email: madsag@aol.com
Nicknames: the ones i can tell you - Mel, Melly, Missy, Lissa
Marital Status: Divorced (believe it or not), but happily involved now  =)
Occupation: Reference Librarian for an office furniture dealer / Musician (vocalist), with a band called Jaded.
Hobbies: Honestly, I'm into girly stuff like sewing, painting, cross-stitch, that kinda crap. I also love crossword puzzles. Astrology and Tarot. Reading. Writing. Sony Playstation games, esp the Final Fantasy series and the quest-y games.
Other bands I love: In addition to what i listed on the IRC page, I love Maggie's Dream, Ben Folds Five, SRV, Prince, Sarah McLachlan, White Zombie, Saigon Kick, Sting, King's X, U2, The Tories. I'm listening to Seal as I write this. I could go on and on with this so I'll stop.

      I first heard DT at one of my band's shows, one of the guys was playing "Images and Words" during a set break. It was so different from anything else I was listening to at that time. So I begged him to let me borrow the CD which he wouldn't do. Bastard. I went out and bought it shortly after. That's how I got hooked.

      I've been singing all my life. I was in choir all through school. I think one of the most beneficial things a vocalist can do is sing in a choir, it teaches you a lot about balance, dynamics, harmony, and how to be "part" of a song instead of the main focus. I studied Vocal Performance and Music Education in college. I never even thought about being in a band, I was totally focused on opera, although I never felt like it fit me quite right - I'm too much of a nonconformist. I've been singing with a band for 6 years now and I feel like I've found my musical "home".

      I taught myself to play piano when I was about 9. I never had any formal training until college, where if you've ever majored in music, you know you have to take piano. I'm not too comfortable playing for an audience though, I'm very self-conscious about it. I play for myself, for fun.

      You can usually find me hanging out on #ytsejam late at night, although sometimes I will make an early evening appearance.


Special Features YtsePics

Here are some post-show pictures, thanks to Bryan Keyser...

click for a color pic
James with a handfull of gifts from the fans.

click for a color pic
birthday banner
A nice, homemade birthday banner from a couple of female visitors from Japan.

click for a color pic
Mike Portnoy
Mike Portnoy with his bag-o-gifts (and it wasn't even HIS birthday).

If you have pictures from any of the shows you would like to submit, or anything you think might be of interest to your fellow jammers, please send them to ytsemirror@dreamt.org, with a subject of "Pictures".

Besides live show pictures, we are also interested in pictures of jammers with the band members, and pictures of the beautiful banners that some of you have created for Mike.

A Fortune In Advice
advice from C.C. SoulShaker

all the latest #ytsejam gossip from
Vanessa  and  Moorglade

What would you like to hear on the new LIVE cd?

A Mind Beside Itself
editorial by Craig Griffith
rebuttal by Ben Laussade
(submit articles to ytsemirror@dreamt.org)

Caught In A Web
interview with Bernd Basmer by Pam Doise

(send in your show reviews)

Take The Time
(send in your album reviews)

feedback: letters to the editor

How to find #ytsejam on IRC
server info, and instructions for Pirch

Tips for #ytsejam newcomers
what to do, and what NOT to do

#YtseAsshole Of The Month
give us your nominations

Ytse Ads
please visit our sponsors

Archive of The #Ytse Mirror
First Edition
Second Edition

UACM #ytsejam IRC Page updates for June:
   Jimmy added
   Trinity added
   Dr_Mosh's bio updated
   Kez added
   sleeper added
   Tarkus added
   Coldfire's bio updated
   Thorin added
   KillMary's bio & picture updated
   Melissa added
   DblAgnt's bio updated
   Raitz added
   Spiff's bio updated

Itchy's Dream Theater Homepage
   #ytsejam quotes for February
   #ytsejam quotes for March
   #ytsejam quotes for April
   The 40th Annual Ytse Awards!

Bogie's Mini Disc Recorder for sale

Lifting Shadows off a Ring

[Aaddzz Counter]
Pam Doise - ytsepam@earthlink.net
Mark Bredius - bredius@globalxs.nl
Lisa Marie - jessie@dreamt.org